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Welcome to
Trash Bin Bath Time!


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to check out my webpage and services!

I'm Christina, a single mom to two beautiful and wild boys. 

More often than not they're tracking in their latest adventure aka- mud, dirt, chalk, paint, slime, sand and so much more! Needless to say bath time is a regular, sometimes more than once, daily event in our house. 


I've learned to embrace the things you cannot control and by doing so I found great joy in cleaning! 


A clean and sanitized home helps give you peace of mind so you can focus on what really matters to you. 

That is why I started, Trash Bin Bath Time.


By providing this cleaning service I can use my joy for cleaning to help others!


The task of cleaning your trash bins may seem small but the results are not! You eliminate odors, kill harmful bacteria growing in and around your bin and keep out insects and wild life from coming near your home to name a few benefits!  


I am honored to be able to serve others in this way and bring a little more peace of mind to those who may not have the time/tools for such necessary tasks and leave our community a little cleaner! 


-Christina Barkley & Son's 

Trash Bin Bath Time, what to expect! 

The Bath Process 

Step 1

You (the client) texts,

"Trash Bath"




Receive a Calendly link to schedule your service day/time and choose your Cleaning Plan.

Step 2

Next you'll receive a text with a direct PayPal link to pay for your service.


As well as our 

 website link to our online

 Payment Center.

Step 3

You will put out trash bin/s prior to your service day. 

A "Service Completed" text will be sent to you once your cleaning is finished. 

Our Service Steps 
Quality Promise 

Our Service Steps- starts when I, Christina, arrive as close to your preferred time of day on your appointment date as possible. Sometimes you will see a little cleaner assistant or two with me (my two boys). I will scrub the trash bin/s with sanitizer soap first then spray with a hand held pressure washer. The trash bin will be laid out flat up against the garage when sprayed. It will then be inspected to ensure it has been cleaned thoroughly. Lastly I will flip your trash bin upside down to dry properly in your driveway and text client a, "Service Completed" text.

Quality Promise- Something I try to live by is,  "If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right.". I carry that into my business as well and take great pride in the work that I do. If you are in anyway unsatisfied with your cleaning service I aim to right the situation and perform another, free of charge, cleaning. If you are still unsatisfied I will refund your service fee in full and do my best to earn back your business in the future. 
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